Code readability is a universal
subject for computer programming that should be learned as developers. This article
is for Salesforce Developers and focuses on 8 most important best practices considered
when writing readable code using Apex.
The eight most important practices
1. Class
Documentation - Every class/trigger should have proper documentation
stating the purpose of class with its author.

2. Commenting
- Programmers use comments to annotate a program and help the reader (or
grader) understand how and why your program works. Comments should describe
what or why you are doing something, rather than how. Eg,
// increment i by one
Above comment how to increment rather why. So, do not write
comments that restate the code.
Update the comments when you update the code.
3. Consistent
Indentation & Whitespace – When you are part of a team or if you
are contributing code to a project, you should follow the existing style that
is being used in that project.
Don't put more than one statement on a line.
Use blank lines to separate your code into logical sections.
Put a space between all binary operators (e.g., <=, =, +) and
their operands. One possible exception is to emphasize precedence, like z = a*b
+ c*d
Put a space after each comma in an argument list.
Do not put spaces before a semicolon.
Do not put spaces between a method name and its left parenthesis.
Include blank lines to improve readability by grouping blocks of
related code.
Avoid code horizontal line longer than 100 characters (approx.,
it depends).
4. DRY
Principle - DRY stands for “Don't Repeat Yourself”. The purpose for most
applications (or computers in general) is to automate repetitive tasks. This
principle should be maintained and same piece of code should not be repeated
over and over again. Let say you need to check duplicate in a list on 2 VF
pages or in 2 triggers then it’s good to have a static method in utility class which
can be reused from anywhere within application.
5. Overcome
Apex Line Characters Limit –
When populating map in apex in traditional style:
Populating map in apex, optimized style from 6 lines to 4 lines:
Use of ternary operator instead of if-else where possible,
6. Consistent
Naming - There are some general principles when
choosing names for your variables, methods, and classes.
Use meaningful names that convey the
purpose of the variable. Choose names that are easy to pronounce, and avoid
cryptic abbreviations. For example, use wagePerHour or hourlyWage instead of wph. Use polygon instead of p or poly or pgon.
Be consistent.
Name boolean variables and
methods so that their meaning is unambiguous, e.g., isPrime or hasValue.
Use shorter names (e.g., i) for short-lived
variables and loop-index variables. Use more descriptive names for variables
that serve an important purpose.
Avoid generic names like foo or tmp and meaningless
names like fred. Use terminology from the application domain when
Name a constant by its meaning, not its
value, e.g., name your variable DAYS_PER_WEEK instead of SEVEN.
7. Avoid
Deep Nesting – Too many levels of nesting can make code harder to read and
For the sake of readability, it is usually
possible to make changes to your code to reduce the level of nesting:
Thanks, Manish! Great suggestions.